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Classes & Events

If you have any questions about registering for class or booking a reading at one of the markets, please email​

August 15: The Essence Teahouse + Spiritual Bookstore in Vernon 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Aug 15: Kelowna Downtown Night Market 4 - 9 p.m.


Aug 17-18: Dare to Dream Summer Summit at the AIM Centre


Sept 1: Writing the Cosmic Blues

Get tickets on Eventbrite here or etransfer 
Join this creativity challenge where for five days prior to our gathering, you'll receive a blues song and a writing prompt. You'll write unabashedly and on Sept. 1st we gather to share our voices. Using your voice is your medicine. I believe in you!


Nov 23: Self Marriage Ceremonial Workshop

You can book a reading by messaging me or visiting

Typically pricing is as follows:
15 min = $45
30 min = $70

1 hour = $120
I often sell mullein torches and astrological teas at shows. 

I can't wait to love up on you! 


Classes + Workshops

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Self Marriage Ceremonial Workshop

Self Marriage is a profound ritual and rite of passage where we step back into the most important relationship we will ever have in this life. With that human in the mirror. With that soul in your eyes. With you.


The ceremony itself is a commitment to your wholeness. To the inner anima + animus. It's the heiros gamos "the sacred marriage within".


Committing inwards and CHOOSING YOURSELF makes every single relationship in your life better and right now we are being called to come home.


With my work, I marry a lot of people and it's come up for me that not everyone is committed to their Inner God. They are ready to commit to the other Outer God, the Other, the Lover, but not everyone has that big place inside of them that is unshakeable.


When we do the ritual of Self Marriage, we invite ourselves to the table. A L L  O F  U S. And we say to Her, ALL OF YOU IS WELCOME HERE and you don't need something outside of you to get you because


I G O T Y O U. period.


And we weave our threads into holiness.


We engage in self leadership, self validation and take self responsibility.


and through this art, we create an unshakeable inner relationship that ultimately makes EVERY RELATIONSHIP WE HAVE BETTER.


Here are a few pictures from She is Wild Fest where the 100+ women were READY to re-commit to self.


Photos: instagram@laloba.studios and instagram@kateslensphotoandvideo

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